第22期青年學(xué)者金融論壇:Market reactions to private equity announcements and intra-industry information spillover to rivals



題目:Market reactions to private equity announcements and intra-industry information spillover to rivals

報(bào)告人:Yan (Heidi) Zhao, Ph.D., CFA






Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, U.S

Ph.D. International Economics and Finance, 2009

The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.

M.S., with honours, Economics and Financial Economics, 2002

Peking University, Beijing, China.

B.A., Economics and International Relations, 2001

Research Fields

Asset Pricing and Allocation, Market Microstructure, Risk Management, Behavioral Finance


Assistant Professor of Finance, 2009-present

Department of Economics and Business, City College – City University of New York

Courses offered:

????? Investments (Graduate and Undergraduate level)

????? Corporate Finance (Undergraduate level)

????? Financial Management (Graduate and Undergraduate level)

????? International Finance (Graduate and Undergraduate level)

Quantitative Research Analyst, 2007

Advanced Research Center, State Street Global Advisors, Boston, MA

China Analyst, 2005

Country Intelligence Analysis Group, Global Insight, Inc. Lexington, MA

Auditor, 2003-2004

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd, Beijing, China

Published Referred Journal Papers

Cheng, L., Yan, Z., Zhao, Y., and Gao, L. 2015, Investor Inattention and Under-reaction to Repurchase Announcements, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Accepted.

Zhao, Y., Cheng, L., Chang, C., and Ni, C. 2013, Short Sales, Margin Trades and Bid-Ask Spreads, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol 24, 199-220.

Yan, Z., Zhao, Y. 2013, International Diversification: Simple or Optimization Strategies? International Journal of Finance, Vol 25, 1, 7542-7579.

Cheng, L., Yan, Z., Zhao, Y., and Chang W. 2012, Short Selling Activity, Price Efficiency and Fundamental Value of IPO Stocks, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol 20, 5, 809-824.

Yan, Z., Zhao, Y., Xu, W., Cheng, L. 2012, Earnings Response Elasticity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift, Journal of Asset Management, Vol 13, 4, 287 – 305.

Yan, Z.,Zhao, Y., Sun, L. 2012, Industry Herding and Momentum, Journal of Investing, Vol. 21, 89-96.

Yan, Z., Zhao, Y. 2011, When Two Anomalies meet: Post Earnings Announcement Drift and the Value-Glamour Anomaly, Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 67, 6, 46-60.

Yan, Z., Zhao, Y. 2010, New Evidence on Value Investing in Emerging Equity Markets, Applied Financial Economics, Vol 20, 24, 1839 – 49.?

Yan, Z., Zhao, Y. 2010, A New Methodology of Measuring Firm Life-cycle Stages, International Journal of Economic Perspective, Vol 4, 4, 579-87.

Published Books

Yan, Z., Zhao, Y., and Zhu, S. “Swindlers, Fools and Maniacs《瘋子、騙子與傻子》”, The Commercial Press (商務(wù)印書館), China, 2015 (expected).

Publications in Leading Financial Newspapers

Yan, Z., Zhao, Y., and Du, K. “Singapore DBS Bank Suspected of Selling Fraud a Financial Product Whose Expected Return Is Negative”, Shanghai Securities News, China, Aug 22, 2013.
