第31期青年學(xué)者論壇:王雍智教授:Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)



報告人George Y. Wang(王雍智)?日本)創(chuàng)價大學(xué)

時間20151224日下午130 -330




? ?王雍智,在英國敦大學(xué)帝國理工學(xué)院獲財務(wù)金融博士學(xué)位,曾任美國科拉多大學(xué)丹佛分校經(jīng)濟系副教授兼美中目主任,現(xiàn)為日本創(chuàng)價大學(xué)養(yǎng)學(xué)部財務(wù)暨商學(xué)副教授,研究專長包括公司治理、企業(yè)社會責(zé)任、風(fēng)格投、公司財務(wù)?。


1. Yuchen Zhao, George Y. Wang, Keyue Hua (2015), “Corporate Governance and Firm Performance- Evidence from Growth Enterprise Market in China,” Proceedings of 2015 International Conference of Corporate Governance, Tienjin, China. (ISTP)
2. Enoch Cheng and George Yungchih Wang (2015), "Asset Pricing under Multiple Uncertainties and Submarkets," Journal of East-Euraisa Inter-regional Business Administration (ISSN: 1436-8634), 14, 17-36. (Indexed in Japan National Diet Library, http://iss.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I026761568-00)
3. George Yungchih Wang, Ling-Kuei Chiu, and Enoch Cheng (2014), "The Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social ResponsibilityA Panel Data Analysis," Management World (ISSN: 1002-5502), Special Issue in Eastern Management Forum, 2014. (Indexed in Chinese Social Science Citation Index, CSSCI).
4. Cheng, E., F. Xia, and George Y. Wang (2014), “The Effect of Special Treatment Designation on Information Transmission in the Chinese Stock Market,” International Journal of Economics and Statistics (ISSN: 2309-0685), 2, 294-305. (EI, SCOPUS, http://www.naun.org/cms.action?id=7624)
5. Wang, George Y. (2014), “Ownership Structure, Board Composition, and Corporate Social ResponsibilityA Quantile Regression Analysis,” Journal of East-Eurasia Inter-regional Business Administration (ISSN: 1346-8634), 12-13, 63-86. (Indexed in Japan National Diet Library, http://iss.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I025832133-00)
6. Lu, Chunwei, George Yungchih Wang, and Enhou Zu (2014), “Collaboration between the Japanese Manufacturers and the Local Suppliers in Vietnam,” International Journal of Economics and Statistics (ISSN: 2309-0685), 2, 51-62. (EI, SCOPUS, EBSCO,http://www.naun.org/cms.action?id=7624)