
文章來源:工商管理學院 作者: 發(fā)布時間:2017-05-24 瀏覽次數(shù):2353






?  2002.092005.07 復旦大學,管理學博士

?  1999.092002.07 新疆農(nóng)業(yè)大學,管理學碩士

?  1994.091998.07 新疆財經(jīng)大學,經(jīng)濟學學士







2011~至今,上海對外經(jīng)貿大學工商管理學院  副教授碩士生導師

20052010, 上海對外經(jīng)貿大學工商管理學院 講師,





[1] 主持,國家自然科學基金面上項目跨文化談判中的情緒欺騙與信息欺騙: 基于道德推脫視角的研究,項目編號:71472120201511――20181231

[2] 主持,國家自然科學基金青年項目――基于動態(tài)建構論的跨文化談判與心智模式變動研究,項目編號:71002068,起止時間:201111―― 20131231



[1]     Liu, W., Liu, L.A., & Zhang, J.D. (forthcoming). How to Dissolve Fixed-Pie Perceptions in Negotiation? Social Antecedents and the Mediating Effect of Mental Model Adjustment. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

[2]     Zhang, J.D., Liu, L.A., & Liu, W. 2015. Trust and deception: The culturally divergent effect. Management and Organization Review, 11(1):123?144


[1] Zhang, J. D. & Brett J, (2016). Effect of Trust on Anchoring. Paper presentation at annual meeting of International Association for Conflict Management, New York.

[2] Zhang, J. D., Liu, L. A & Gaspar, J. P. (2015).Why Collectivist Culture Promotes Deception in Negotiation? Paper presentation at annual meeting of International Association for Conflict Management, Tampa.

[3] Zhang, J. D. & Harmon D. (2014). The Cultural Implications of Repairing Affect-based Trust. Paper presentation at annual meeting of International Association for Conflict Management, Leiden.

[4] Zhang, J. D., Gaspar, J. P., & Liu, L. A. (2013).Why Collectivist Culture Promotes Deception in Negotiation? Paper posted at annual meeting of International Association for Conflict Management, Tacoma.

[5] Zhang, J.D., Liu, L.A. & Liu, W. (2012). Does Trust Reduce Deception in Negotiation? The Culturally Divergent Effects of Cognition- and Affect-based trust. Paper presentation at annual meeting of International Association for Conflict Management, Stellenbosch.

[6] Zhang, J.D., Liu, L.A. & Liu, W. (2012). The Enhancing Effect of Role Conflict on Joint Gains in Integrative Negotiation. Paper presentation annual meeting of International Association for Conflict Management, Stellenbosch.

[7] Zhang, J.D. Liu, L.A. & Liu, W. (2012). Does trust Reduce deception in Negotiation? The Culturally Divergent Effects of Cognition- and Affect-based Trust. Paper presentation at biannual meeting of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hong Kong.

[8] Liu, M., Liu, L.A., Liu, W. & Zhang, J.D. (2011). Culture, Emotion, and Shared Cognition: A Dynamic Analysis of Shared Mental Models in Emotion-laden Dispute Resolution. Paper presentation at annual meeting of International Association for Conflict Management, Istanbul.

[9] Liu, W., Liu, L.A. & Zhang, J.D. (2010). How to Dissolve Fixed Pie Perception in Negotiation? The Neutralizing Effect of Mental Model Change and Social Antecedents. Paper presentation at annual meeting of International Association of Chinese Management Research, Shanghai.


[1]  國家自然科學基金面上項目同行評議人,2015,2016

[2]  國家自然科學基金青年項目同行評議人,2011,20132014