
文章來源:會計學院 作者: 發(fā)布時間:2020-11-15 瀏覽次數(shù):5907

1. 原紅旗; 孔德松; 張楚君; 陳超; 新三板公司盈余質(zhì)量研究, 會計研究, 2019, 2019(5): 27-32.

2. 原紅旗; 張楚君; 孔德松; 施海娜; 審計失敗與會計師事務所聲譽損失: 來自IPO審核的證據(jù), 會計研究, 2020, 2020(3): 159-165.

3. 高翀; 孔德松; 并購中的業(yè)績承諾條款與股價崩盤風險, 經(jīng)濟與管理研究, 2020, 41(7): 77-93.

4. Hongqi Yuan; Desong Kong; Chujun Zhang; Chao Chen; A comparative study of earnings quality of firms listed in the NEEQ market and the Growth Enterprise Market, China Journal of Accounting Studies, 2019, 6(4): 474-497.

5. Hongqi Yuan; Chujun Zhang; Desong Kong; Haina Shi; The consequence of audit failure on audit firms: evidence from IPO approval in China, China Journal of Accounting Studies, 2019, 7(2): 245-269.