人工智能與變革管理研究院研究成果入選《Industrial Marketing Management》2018以來最高被引論文

文章來源:科研處 作者: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-04-09 瀏覽次數(shù):362

近日,《Industrial Marketing Management》發(fā)布自2018年以來最高被引論文榜單,由人工智能與變革管理研究院齊佳音教授作為通訊作者的學(xué)術(shù)論文“Outside-in marketing capability and firm performance”位列其中。該研究成果在研究團(tuán)隊(duì)提出“Outside-in視角的企業(yè)營銷能力模型”并證實(shí)其營銷決策價(jià)值的基礎(chǔ)上,進(jìn)一步揭示了Outside-in的營銷能力與Inside-out的營銷能力的作用機(jī)制。

《Industrial Marketing Management》旨在提供理論、實(shí)證和案例研究,以滿足市場營銷學(xué)者和從業(yè)者對企業(yè)市場的研究和工作的需要,為提高工業(yè)市場的有效性提供最新的研究結(jié)果。該期刊為為SSCI檢索期刊,影響因子4.695,JCR Q1,具有較高的學(xué)術(shù)影響力。


Outside-in marketing capability and firm performance

Jifeng Mu, Yongchuan Bao, Tejvir Sekhon, Jiayin Qi, Edwin Love

Abstract: Employing an outside-in strategic perspective, we address an under-researched question in the extant marketing literature: How and when do firms, by virtue of their outside-in marketing capability, manage to achieve superior performance? We find that outside-in marketing capability leads to superior firm performance via its impact on inside-out marketing capability and strategic flexibility. Outside-in marketing capability provides a basis for the firm to update its inside-out marketing capability and to flexibly allocate resources leading to a performance advantage. Our results suggest that modeling outside-in marketing capability along with inside-out marketing capability and strategic flexibility provides a more accurate picture of firm performance outcomes and enhances the efficacy of marketing capability logic with respect to firm performance. We also show that outside-in marketing capability positively affects firm performance only when transformational leadership and employee proactivity are relatively high. When transformational leadership and employee proactivity are low respectively, increasing outside-in marketing capability can have counter-productive impact on firm performance. This interaction between outside-in marketing capability and human capital shows that both factors work together to achieve superior firm performance. The results suggest that firms stand to gain more from outside-in marketing capability by devoting resources to developing leadership skills and nurturing employee proactivity. We conclude the article by discussing the implication of this research for theory and practice, highlighting the limitations and offering future research directions.

Keywords: Outside-in marketing capability; Inside-out marketing capability; Strategic flexibility; Transformational leadership; Employee proactivity
