數(shù)字引領時代  智能開創(chuàng)未來

閆辛(YAN Xin)











  1. Xin Yan and Hongmiao Zhu, A kernel-free fuzzy support vector machine with Universum. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2023, 19(1), 282-299. 

  2. Hongmiao Zhu, Zhen Jin, Xin Yan*, A dynamics model of coupling transmission for multiple different knowledge in multiplex networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, 629:129199.

  3. Xin Yan and Hongmiao Zhu. A novel robust support vector machine classifier with feature mapping. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 257, 109928.

  4. An Luo, Xin Yan* and Jian Luo, A novel Chinese points of interest classification method based on weighted quadratic surface support vector machine, Neural Processing Letters, 2022, 54, 2181–2200.

  5. Hongmiao Zhu, Xin Yan* and Zhen Jin. Knowledge transmission model in the multiplex networks with consideration of online and offline channels. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2022, 108, 106186.

  6. Hongmiao Zhu, Yumie Wang, Xin Yan* and Zhen Jin. Research on knowledge dissemination model in the multiplex network with enterprise social media and offline transmission routes. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 587, 126468.  

  7. Xin Yan, Hongmiao Zhu and Jian Luo, A novel kernel-free nonlinear SVM for semi-supervised classification in disease diagnosis. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2021, 42, 948–965.  

  8. Hongmiao Zhu, Xin Yan* and Zhen Jin. Creative idea diffusion model in the multiplex network with consideration of multiple channels. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021, 97: 105734.

  9. Jian Luo, Xin Yan, Ye Tian, Unsupervised quadratic surface support vector machine with application to credit risk assessment. European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 280(3):1008-1017.

  10. Qian Li, Yanqin Bai, Xin Yan and Wei Zhang, Portfolio selection with the effect of systematic risk diversification: formulation and accelerated gradient algorithm, Optimization Methods and Software, 2019, 34(3), 612-633.

  11. Xin Yan, Yanqin Bai, Shu-Cherng Fang and Jian Luo. A proximal quadratic surface support vector machine for semi-supervised binary classification. Soft Computing, 2018, 22(20):6905-6919.

  12. Jian Luo, Ye Tian, Xin Yan, Clustering via fuzzy one-class quadratic surface support vector machine. Soft Computing, 2017, 21(19):5859-5865.

  13. Xin Yan, Yanqin Bai, Shu-Cherng Fang and Jian Luo, A kernel-free quadratic surface support vector machine for semi-supervised learning. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(7): 1001-1011. 

  14. Yanqin Bai, Xin Yan, Conic relaxation for semi-supervised support vector machines. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2016, 169(1): 299-313.


  1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,數(shù)據(jù)特征驅(qū)動下基于半監(jiān)督學習的小微企業(yè)貸款信用風險預測研究,2020/01-2022/12,主持

  2. 教育部人文社會科學青年基金項目,大數(shù)據(jù)背景下基于數(shù)據(jù)挖掘的保險精準營銷策略研究,2018/07-2023/08,主持 

  3. 上海市教委上海高校青年教師培養(yǎng)資助計劃項目,基于二次曲面支持向量機的半監(jiān)督分類模型與算法研究,2017/03-2019/03,主持

  4. 上海市哲學社會科學一般項目,面向信息質(zhì)量多維度評價的在線產(chǎn)品評論說服效應研究,2021/01-2023/12,參加

  5. 上海市哲學社會科學青年課題項目,基于線上線下耦合網(wǎng)絡的創(chuàng)意源擴散機理及促進,2019/01-2021/12,參加


  1. 2022年,上海市青年五四獎章

  2. 2022年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學暑期社會實踐優(yōu)秀指導教師

  3. 2021年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學三八紅旗手

  4. 2021年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學第一期青年骨干教師教學訓練營教學設計一等獎

  5. 2021年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學暑期社會實踐優(yōu)秀指導教師

  6. 2021年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學統(tǒng)計與信息學院科研貢獻獎

  7. 2021年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學統(tǒng)計與信息學院教學貢獻獎

  8. 2021年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學統(tǒng)計與信息學院優(yōu)秀黨務工作者

  9. 2020年,第四屆上海高校青年教師教學競賽暨第五屆全國高校青年教師教學競賽選拔賽三等獎

  10. 2020年,上海市第二屆女性教育教學能力評選活動十佳教學能手

  11. 2020年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學暑期社會實踐優(yōu)秀指導教師

  12. 2019年,上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學統(tǒng)計與信息學院科研貢獻獎