數(shù)字引領(lǐng)時(shí)代  智能開創(chuàng)未來

劉關(guān)福(LIU Guanfu)












  1. Guanfu Liu, Xiaolong Pu, Lei Wang and Dongdong Xiang (2015). Cusum chart for detecting range shifts when monotonicity of likelihood ratio is invalid. Journal of Applied Statistics 42, 1635-1644.

  2. Lei Wang, Wendong Li, Guanfu Liu and Xiaolong Pu (2015). Spatial median depth-based robust adjusted empirical likelihood. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 27, 485-502.

  3. Guanfu Liu, Yuejiao Fu, Pengfei Li and Xiaolong Pu (2018). Using differential variability to increase the power of the homogeneity test in a two-sample problem. Statistica Sinica 28, 27-41.

  4. Guanfu Liu, Pengfei Li, Yukun Liu and Xiaolong Pu (2019). On consistency of the MLE under finite mixtures of location-scale distributions with a structural parameter. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 199, 29-44.

  5. Yang Liu, Xiuzhen Zhang, Mengke Li, Guanfu Liu* and Lin Zhu (2019). Abundance estimation based on optimal estimating function with missing covariates in capture-recapture studies. Statistics & Probability Letters 152, 15-20.

  6. Jianjun Zhang, Qiuying Sha, Guanfu Liu and Xuexia Wang (2019). A gene based approach to test genetic association based on an optimally weighted combination of multiple traits. PLoS ONE, 14(8): e0220914.

  7. Guanfu Liu, Yuejiao Fu, Jianjun Zhang, Xiaolong Pu and Boying Wang (2020). EM-test for homogeneity in a two-sample problem with a mixture structure. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 724-738.

  8. Guanfu Liu, Pengfei Li, Yukun Liu and Xiaolong Pu (2020). Hypothesis testing for quantitative trait locus effects in both mean and variance in genetic backcross studies. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 47, 1064-1089.

  9. Yang Liu, Lin Zhu, Guanfu Liu and Huapeng Li (2020). Abundance estimation with a categorical covariate subject to missing in continuous-time capture-recapture studies. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 49, 4919-4928.

  10. Jiahua Chen, Pengfei Li and Guanfu Liu* (2020). Homogeneity testing under finite locationscale mixtures. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48, 670-684. 

  11. Guanfu Liu, Yan Fan, Yang Liu and Yukun Liu (2021). Semi-parametric homogeneity test and sample size calculation for a two-sample problem under an inequality constraint. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 214, 13-24.

  12. Rongji Mu, Guoying Xu, Guanfu Liu and Haitao Pan (2021). A two-stage Bayesian adaptive design for minimum effective dose (MinED)-based dosing-finding trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials 108, 106504.

  13. Guanfu Liu, Yuejiao Fu, Wenchen Liu, and Rongji Mu (2022). Testing homogeneity in contaminated mixture models. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 50, 1034-1046.

  14. Pengcheng Ren, Guanfu Liu*, Xiaolong Pu and Yan Li (2022). Generalised fiducial methods for testing quantitative trait locus effects in genetic backcross studies. Statistical Theory and Related Fields 6, 148-160.

  15. Wenchen Liu, Guanfu Liu* and Yincai Tang (2022). Robust Sparse Reduced-Rank Regression with Response Dependency. Symmetry 14, 1617. 

  16. Tang, Xilin, Guanfu Liu and Ping Dong. Semi-supervised Regression under Federated Learning Framework Based on Partial Information Estimation. In 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2022. 

  17. Guanfu Liu and Zongliang Hu (2023). Testing quantitative trait locus effects in genetic backcross studies with double recombination occurring. Journal of Applied Statistics 50, 927-944. 

  18. Pengcheng Ren, Guanfu Liu*, Xiaolong Pu(2023). Generalized fiducial methods for testing the homogeneity of a three-sample problem with a mixture structure. Journal of Applied Statistics 50, 1094-1114. 

  19. Pengcheng Ren, Guanfu Liu* and Xiaolong Pu(2023). Simultaneous confidence intervals for mean differences of multiple zero-inflated gamma distributions with applications to precipitation. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 52, 4705-4716. 

  20. Guanfu Liu, Rongji Mu, Yang Liu and Zhimei Sheng (2023). Using an inequality constraint to increase the power of the homogeneity tests for a two-sample problem with a mixture structure. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 52, 6475-6486. 

  21. Yang Liu, Rong Kuang and Guanfu Liu* (2023+). Penalized likelihood inference for the finite mixture of Poisson distributions from capture-recapture data, accepted.



  1. 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金青年項(xiàng)目,有限混合模型及相關(guān)模型中的若干假設(shè)檢驗(yàn)問題,2019/01-2021/12,主持

  2. 國(guó)家社會(huì)科學(xué)基金一般項(xiàng)目,有限混合模型在復(fù)雜數(shù)據(jù)下的統(tǒng)計(jì)推斷及應(yīng)用研究,2024/01-2026/12,主持