【思源論壇第187講】Scott Carrell 教授:My Professor Cares

文章來源:經(jīng)貿(mào)學(xué)院 作者: 發(fā)布時間:2019-09-24 瀏覽次數(shù):120



主講人:Scott Carrell 教授 加州大學(xué)戴維斯分校


主持人:何歡浪 教授 上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學(xué)國際經(jīng)貿(mào)學(xué)院副院長








Scott Carrell是加州大學(xué)戴維斯分校經(jīng)濟系教授,是全球頂尖的勞動經(jīng)濟學(xué)家。他的研究成果發(fā)表于American Economic Review, Journal ofPolitical Economy,Quarterly Journal of EconomicsEconometrica,Review ofFinancial Studies, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,Journal ofLabor Economics,Journal of Public EconomicsJournal of Public Economics等等?,F(xiàn)任co-editorof Journal of Human Resources,曾任co-editor of Economics letters,Economics inquiry等。他是美國近幾年最為頂尖與高產(chǎn)的勞動經(jīng)濟學(xué)家之一。





This project aims to address the lowpersistence and graduation rates seen at broad-access public four-yearuniversities. The project explores one of the least understood aspects ofcollege successthe role of faculty feedback. To test theeffect of professor feedback on student success in higher education classrooms,we conducted a small-scale randomized intervention in a large,introductory-level microeconomics course at a comprehensive researchuniversity. The light-touchintervention consisted of two strategically-timede-mails to students from the professor indicating the professors knowledge ofthe studentscurrent standing in the course, keys to success in the class, anda reminder of when the professor is available. Results show that students inthe treatment group scored higher on exams, homework assignments, and finalcourse grade, compared to students in the control group. In addition, theresults indicate positive, though insignificant effects, on time spent onhomework assignments and a lower likelihood of dropout/failure.