
文章來源:經貿學院 作者: 發(fā)布時間:2019-09-26 瀏覽次數:164




主講人 :譚用  南京財經大學國際經貿學院 副教授


主持人 : 趙瑞麗 上海對外經貿大學國際經貿學院 講師










譚用,南京財經大學國際經貿學院副教授,美國Vanderbilt大學Research Fellow,經濟學博士。主要研究領域國際貿易、運用微觀經濟學等。已經在International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Review of International Economics, World Economy, International Review of Economics and Finance,《世界經濟》等國際知名期刊發(fā)表多篇論文,目前主持國家自然科學基金青年項目以及教育部重大招標課題等重大課題。



This study examines the growth trend of carry-along trade, and exporting through intermediaries. The paper finds that after Chinas WTO accession, carry-along trade glows grow substantially. In contrast, the trade flows through intermediaries shrink. The authors develop a matching model in which each firm endogenously select their exporting mode: direct exporting, exporting through carry-along firms or intermediaries. The model can rationalize all stylized facts in this paper.