【思源論壇第234講】李娟 副教授:Behavioral Operations Management (行為運營管理)

文章來源:經(jīng)貿(mào)學(xué)院 作者: 發(fā)布時間:2022-01-05 瀏覽次數(shù):646

    題:Behavioral Operations Management (行為運營管理)

主講人:李娟副教授 南京大學(xué)工程管理學(xué)院

主持人:洪江濤 教授 上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學(xué)國際經(jīng)貿(mào)學(xué)院






李娟,2008年獲上海交通大學(xué)企業(yè)管理博士學(xué)位,現(xiàn)任南京大學(xué)工程管理學(xué)院副教授。她是瑞典林雪平大學(xué)工學(xué)院及美國圣路易斯華盛頓大學(xué)奧林商學(xué)院訪問學(xué)者,研究領(lǐng)域為運營與供應(yīng)鏈管理、行為運營管理,研究工作發(fā)表在《管理科學(xué)學(xué)報》、《系統(tǒng)工程理論與實踐》、International Journal of Production EconomicsAnnals of Operations Research等國內(nèi)外主流學(xué)術(shù)期刊上,所指導(dǎo)學(xué)生的研究工作2次獲得中國運籌學(xué)會行為運籌與管理分會青年學(xué)生優(yōu)秀論文。主持4項國家自然科學(xué)基金項目,出版4本書,其中1本獲得江蘇省第15屆哲學(xué)社會科學(xué)優(yōu)秀成果獎(普及成果獎)一項。



主題1Behavioral Operations Management: Description, Discovery, and Prediction


Abstract: To discover the research in behavioral operations management (BOM) and predict its future trend, this paper use the three dimensions of time, space, and connections to explore the target documents, research topics, and methods related to BOM in the top-tier OM journals. Specifically, how have those research topics evolved? What kind of collaborative networks exists for authors? What are the research topics that leading authors are engaging in? And, what are the potential future research topics in BOM?

This is a joint work with Tony Haitao Cui, Fan Liu, Feng Lu, Ou Tang, Song Gao


主題2The Newsvendor Problem: The Role of Peers Feedback


Abstract: The pull-to-center (PTC) effect refers to the phenomenon that newsvendor decision-makers tend to order fewer products in high-profit conditions and more in low-profit conditions. This paper explores how the newsvendor behaves and performs with the feedback of their peer. This paper contributes to the literature by first identifying the peer-chasing heuristic behavior(s) and introducing a new debiasing strategy to mitigate the PTC effect. We also propose an approach to link the level and adjustment behaviors, which helps to analyze how various adjustment behaviors will affect the corresponding level behavior.

This is a joint work with Yini Zheng, Fei Wei, Qinglong Gou