上海對外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學語言教育與測評研究中心(CLEAR)2021年第一次工作坊: Centre for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) Workshop Series 2021 (1)

文章來源:國際商務外語學院 作者: 發(fā)布時間:2021-04-19 瀏覽次數(shù):839


The Centre for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) launched the 2021 workshop series on 16th April, with a workshop on the use of Many-Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM). The workshop was co-instructed by Ms Kaiyue Song (a graduate student of Applied Linguistics) and Professor Yuyang Cai (Director of CLEAR). 


Professor Cai opened the workshop by introducing the benefits of using MFRM to control for bias form raters, rubrics, and the scale in perform-based assessment in the context of foreign language education and assessment. Next, Ms. Song briefly covered the mathematics underlying MFRM before moving to a review of empirical studies using MFRM in language research.


In the following 60 minutes, Ms Song demonstrated step-by-step how to use the program FACET to conduct MFRM with a set of rating data by two raters. She closed her demonstration by emphasizing that MFRM can be a powerful and efficient tool for detecting problematic score assignment by human raters to enhance scoring validity. 


After active discussion between the instructors and the audience, Professor Cai closed the workshop with a high appreciation of Ms Song’s excellent instruction and a call for use of MFRM in foreign language teaching and research.